Just in case your wondering, yes, you've read it the first and second time correctly, 'No Pants Subway ride' is an annual celebration of commutors all over the world taking apart with riding public transport with no pants. The reason for this you all might be thinking. Well, the event begun as a joke in 2002 when New York acting group Improv Everywhere decided to shock members of the public by taking off their trousers. Since it's regcononition on the world wide web, it's funny yet completely random improv has now turned into public holiday of practical jokes. Pictures of people in their underwear have been streaming in from across the world, with cities such as London, Berlin, Brussels, Hong Kong and Sydney taking part.
Organiser of the London event Rammi Glomp joked about what was to come when speaking to participants on Facebook beforehand. He said:‘I’ll probably be holding a pair of sparkly red underpants and a sign so I shouldn’t be too hard to miss. If you feel like your missing out on all the action, why don't you get involved next year and show off either your sparkly knickers or better yet sexy boxers!
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