Saturday 8 February 2014

Love is in the air! or is that just gas?

It's that time of year which we all love or hate. Like Marmite! which is definitely hate, along with half of the population. Where was I again? Oh right! Love is beautiful thing that comes in all different shapes in sizes, whether it's friends, family and all-time lovers. Valentine's Day reinforces that affection to show how much we care about one another. But is it just a little over-rated? with all the adverts constantly on repeat or is it that just straight up 'hater talk'? Having no one to spend it with, every year. Either way February 14th is just round the corner and it's not going anywhere. My take of the situation believe it or not is very neutral for a single person. It's just another day of the year in which I do find quite sweet, but not going to go crazy looking for a man just to live up the holiday's expectation. It's just stupid! Sorry fellas who are reading this, but I need to talk to the ladies for a minute. Have any of you single ladies out there been pressured by any of your home girls to find a man for Valentine's day? I know I have and it just drives me insane. Now, I'm not saying I'm cool living without no man around because hey! a girl got her needs and it's nice to share your life with someone. But call me old school when  say Ii would prefer the meaning of the word 'Love' to take nature's course.

And that's my personal rant over, I hope you all enjoy Valentine's day whether you've got somebody or not.
But for those single ladies out there let's just embrace our 'singledom' and shake our booties just like what Queen BEY taught us! You shake it girl!

for more entertaining and random info follow me on twitter @Khadz22 

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